Friday, August 5, 2011

[update] USyd releases interview scores.

Today, unexpectedly, USyd released the interview scores of medical school applicants. My score was very low, 84/180 (46.7%). That means that I have a lot of improvement to do with my interviewing ability.

It's interesting to note that the email suggests that the rank list is generated by adding up the interview percentage (out of 100%) with the GAMSAT overall score (out of 100). This is instead of adding up "standard scores" (aka z-scores), and since the interview scores have a higher standard deviation than GAMSAT overall scores, means that the rank list weights the interview more highly than a standard score approach.

Anyway, it seems like I have to improve my interview ability quite significantly (it was about 15% more for me to get an unbonded CSP this year in USyd). Thankfully, I only have three subjects this semester to worry about.

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