Tuesday, November 8, 2011

[update] Melbourne offers in 2-8 days...

The University of Melbourne MDHS on their facebook page just released a notice:

To all our MD applicants, a quick update on selection. We are still on track for offers to be issued between the 9 and 16 November, but we can confirm that it will definitely not be tomorrow.

For any MD applicants wondering about the process over the next few days, all the universities are reviewing the lists generated by GEMSAS to ensure there are no errors. Once every university is happy, each one will start creating offers. Unfortunately, Melbourne may take a day or two longer than other universities as we also have to allocate students to clinical zones prior to sending out offers, and this can take some time due to the number of students we take into the course. Once the clinical zones have been finalised we will compile it all into an offer letter, and offers will be emailed out, with hard copy letters following shortly after.

For the DDS applicants, offers will also be released in the same time period.

We’ll be keeping you updated throughout the process so you have some idea of where we’re at. Best of luck to all of you!

So with that in mind, and MD offers not being tomorrow because of clinical allocations and the number of students, it means the Melbourne offer emails will probably be in 2-8 days.

If it's like the international students' situation though, those studying at UniMelb at the time seemed to get notification of being accepted into MD or DDS through the student portal before getting the email. So it might be good to check the portal too.


  1. hey hong, just came across your blog from PD. any ideas where to click in portal to check if I got an offer? I clicked on View my study plan and saw my current degree, physioth and 2 options for DDS... is this the same for you?

  2. Ah I didn't apply for DDS or physio, so I didn't have those on my study plan... Any more info about 2 DDS options? Does it say you have an offer?

  3. For physioth, i've got an offer (and accepted) but it still says Applied for both columns. There's 2 rows for DDS, both of them appear to be the same and says Applied in both columns... was just wondering if you (or anyone else you know) see the MD on the study plan

  4. Nah I don't have an MD on my study plan at the moment. It seems through the paging dr forum that the final list of offers for unis haven't been finalized yet either.


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