Wednesday, November 2, 2011

[update] GEMSAS offers in one week? or two weeks?

After almost five weeks since Melbourne interviews, we're almost there now! GEMSAS offers are expected in 9-16 November, which is in 7-14 days; 1-2 weeks!

I hope that I will receive a CSP offer from Melbourne. This is what all the effort was put in for. Melbourne is my first preference and UQ is my second. If UQ was my first preference, then I should not have bothered to repeat the GAMSAT (although a few people in my biomed cohort sometimes enjoy talking about and comparing marks including GAMSAT and I don't mind joining in too). I also would not need to do all this interview preparation, or apply to USyd for any backup or interview preparation.

There would also be less pressure on grades, and although I now feel that I should study well in the core subjects regardless, because it will be beneficial for medicine in the future. However, if I applied to a GPA hurdle uni as first preference, maybe I could dedicate my breadth subjects to subjects I always thought were good to learn like Chinese rather than playing it safe with my strengths. It would probably not be possible to use a "science GPA" in Australia like they sometimes do in the US though, even if it's a better predictor of med school achievement than normal GPA or non-science GPA, because in Australia not everyone does science subjects in their degree.

Anyway. I've started revising some lecture notes now, in preparation for the exams. The exams, as I said before, will be after the first round offers for GEMSAS... hopefully I get the good news before them.

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