Thursday, April 26, 2012

[update] First test done for medicine.

Today I completed the first test for the MD. It was a multiple choice test with 60 questions in total. I think that I went reasonably well, although there were 1/4 of the questions that I wasn't that sure of the answer to. Nevertheless, it should be a comfortable pass. I'm not that sure if it will be an H1 though; I guess it depends on how many of those I was unsure of that I got right. We'll see.

It was only worth 5% so that isn't very much. Majoring in pharmacology helped, as 10 questions were directly assessing it, and a few more questions were from other subjects but were also covered in the pharmacology major. There were other things that I had learned from my biomed core subjects which helped reduce the workload for the MD.

In any case, it's good to get the first test out of the way. And it's also good that I seem to be learning the material well without struggling that much.

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