Friday, June 10, 2011

[update] Three exams down, one to go.

Yesterday and today I had three of my exams for this semester. The one yesterday went reasonably well I thought, although there were six essay type questions which required answers out of seven, and I was writing almost non-stop from start to finish.

As for today's ones, one of them (a math subject) I felt went reasonably well too, although I couldn't answer a few parts of the questions. Also, that subject has a lot of rigorous analysis involved and you get marks deducted just for not explaining one of your steps as well as you could, even if you get the right answer. So I hope I put down enough.

As for the other one today, it was quite weird. Not totally unexpected given the type of the subject though; it was a written exam for a prac subject, and it involved coming up with hypotheses to support the data for some questions. So I'm not sure if I got what they were looking for there.

Anyway, today was also the last day for applications to medical and dental school for locals though ACER. It seems like I haven't applied to Melbourne dentistry, since it would cost an extra $100. If it didn't have the extra cost, then I would have applied as an extra option for if I didn't get into medicine this year (or if I decided to change my mind and do dent as a last minute decision). Melbourne DDS applicants are a bit lucky compared to med... no interview...

So that's all for now. Last exam this semester on Friday next week, then I might read up and watch videos on some ethics.


  1. DDS applicants are lucky because there is no interview AND (more importantly) they dont have to compete with your GAMSAT score!
    I have applied for DDS because its my #0 preference. As for USyd, I made one application, putting DMD first, MBBS second.
    I was wondering if you are going to post any comments or info about the video clips you may watch to prepare for the interviews

  2. Ah I see. Btw, human body has over 600 muscles I think keke.

    The links are mainly from the paging dr website. For example:

    and there's a lot of links under this page

    I haven't looked at them much yet.


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