Monday, February 28, 2011

[update] Semester 1... start!

So the first semester has just begun! I feel I'll probably be quite busy over the next 16 or so weeks, with a lot of fast paced learning to do, exams to prepare for, and the GAMSAT. Second year was already quite a leap from first year as far as core subjects were concerned... how about third year? I shall see soon enough! But there may not be anything interesting to update on for a few weeks (not that I've been writing very regularly anyway haha).

Oh and as an aside, I really hope they make the MD and other graduate entry courses in unimelb eligible for concession card travel on Melbourne's public transport system. After all, the function of these degrees is the same as the bachelor degrees like MBBS that they replaced, which were eligible. So it'd make sense by to put them in the same concession travel fee category even though they are not labeled as "bachelor degrees" but "masters level degrees".

I also think it'd be nice if real master and doctor degree research students and international students could have concession travel too, but that's another issue.

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