Saturday, October 8, 2011

[update] About 5 weeks to GEMSAS place offers

There's about five more weeks until GEMSAS med school offers now. It's getting closer and closer, but if it was last year before the GEMSAS system then it would only need one or two more weeks of waiting. I suspect they really want to do a lot of double checking with the new GEMSAS system being in place just to make sure everything is right. Hopefully those applying next year don't have to wait so long.

Anyway, I also got my exam timetable. This time, all my exams are in the second half of the exam period for my university; late second week and third week.


  1. The Big Question is which will arrive first - Uni of Melbourne offers or Girls' Gen in Sydney?

  2. Ah yes, that is a valid question, since the festival is right within the time that the GEMSAS offers are scheduled to be released.

    I hope GEMSAS gets their algorithms right with heaps of time to spare, and surprise us with an early release of offers. Definitely not holding my breath for it though.


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