Friday, July 15, 2011

[update] One month until mid-August: USyd offers and GEMSAS interview offers

In about one month, it will be mid-August. That is when the USyd the main round of domestic medicine and dentistry offers are released, and when the GEMSAS/ACER interview offers will be released. Of course, I am hoping to get an offer at USyd, and I would be a bit disappointed if I didn't, but after all my first preference was always Melbourne. Either way, it will give me an indication of how much I must practice before the Melbourne interview which may turn up.

Anyway, semester two is just around the corner in a week an a half. Mid-August therefore lies in the fourth week of the semester, although if things are a bit early we may get the USyd offers and GEMSAS interview offers late in the third week.

That wasn't much of a break really. It was filled with interruptions due to interview practice and having to go to Sydney to interview. That said, it was an experience that I think was invaluable. On the other hand, if the break was too long, I might have become bored with not much to do, which has happened in the past.

Ah well. One and a half weeks to semester two, and about a month until USyd offers and GEMSAS interview offers, which hopefully will be a University of Melbourne one. After one and a half weeks, there's going to be study and interview practice ahead!


  1. Mid August can't come soon enough for me either! Good luck with your USyd interview and your last semester.

  2. Thank you for that. I hope a bit that the time until then will pass productively.

    I'll try to appear more confident during the Melbourne interview, among other things. Ah well, it's a learning experience. Unfortunately I'll probably have to sit a few more interviews throughout life.

    Nice name btw.

  3. Thanks! The name is not a sign of special interest in psychiatry though (at least not yet). I should mention having PM'ed you a few times on PD. I deleted my account recently, though not for any reason related to my not liking that most excellent website! (just the opposite).

    Well - good luck for your wait. Will enjoy reading your blog updates meantime!

  4. Yeah, I think I figured out who you were when I saw your blog today. I think I can guess the reason too haha, although it'd be better not to post it in the public domain, since that kind of defeats the purpose.

    I guess I might see you back there after USyd or after UniMelb offers one day. Or perhaps in real life if all things go to plan and we both make it into Melbourne medicine.


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