Wednesday, June 27, 2012

[update] Medical test results

For any UniMelb people, this doesn't have anything to do with our test two weeks ago. Sorry to disappoint.

Recently I went for a fasting blood test. I thought it was good to do, since I haven't checked my cholesterol and fasting glucose and all that before, and I thought it was good to see if I needed any diet or lifestyle modification.

Today I received my results. Cholesterol, glucose, liver function, kidney function and FBE tests were all normal. However, my Vitamin D was slightly below the reference interval. It's not too surprising since it's winter in Melbourne, but it seems like maybe I should have more sunlight exposure during winter or drink more milk.

Another thing I noticed was that the contact person for some of the tests that I had was someone who lectured and held a tute at UniMelb about liver function tests! That was a pleasant surprise. But after all, UniMelb does have a policy that all lecturers for Medicine are either clinicians or researchers.

Anyway, it's good to know that I don't need to make too many changes to my current diet.

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