Thursday, March 29, 2012

[update] First anatomy prac session for medicine

Today I had my first anatomy prac for medicine. It's been about one and a half years since my last anatomy prac in biomed, since I didn't major in anatomy. I was looking forward to it again; feeling the tough arteries spring back and poking at lungs.

When I heard that it was going to be "self directed" (or words to that meaning), I thought: "not again". But it was OK if you listened to demonstrators whenever they said something. Sometimes the demonstrators would teach beyond what questions were asked, and you could even feel as if it was a normal tutorial without thinking it was self directed.

The interesting part about today was seeing an anatomical variation on a specimen. I noticed that the arch of aorta of one of the specimens ran to the right of the trachea instead of to the left. It was good to see for myself, because in anatomy we usually just learn the case in the "majority" of people.

We don't seem to have many anatomy pracs in Melbourne, or lectures for that matter. Then again, we were all required to do a subject of anatomy before entering medicine at Melbourne as a prerequisite, so we all had to do about 44 hours of anatomy before entering to start with (according to the anatomy second year subject for Bachelor of Science handbook link from Melbourne).

Anyway, it seems like I'll be having a dissection prac in 3 weeks; after the midsemester break. I'm looking forward to it. I didn't do any dissections before in anatomy, since I didn't do my major in it and at Melbourne you don't get to dissect in the second year anatomy subject.


  1. No dissections in Biomed? Doesn't that sound weird? I hope dissections are part of 2nd anatomy in my college I am looking forward to those... Also my belief was that Anatomy and dissections would be a major part of med curriculum at the start before you move on to other specialized stuff. And with only 1 year of non-clinical teaching it would be the most important thing to get out of the way ASAP right?

    Also what exactly happens in clinical years? Do you just spend all your time in hospitals or do you still have college? What does one do there? In the hospitals I mean...

  2. Yeah, in second year biomed at Melbourne, we had pracs with prosected material but no dissections. Dissections have historically been a major part of medical education, although their use has been debated recently. I do think that anatomy is pretty important to know though, although there is a lot more to med than anatomy too, like physiology, pharmacology, microbiology, immunology, pathology and others.

    We don't seem to get as much anatomy than pharmacology for example though, although some of that may be because we learnt a bit as prereqs. It could also be because right now I just completed foundation and cardiovascular blocks and am on respiratory block. We'll probably get a lot more in musculoskeletal block.

    Hardly any time in clinical years is spent at uni. Most of it will be in hospitals. I think in hospitals you do practicing history taking and clinical skills in different settings and learning some specialty stuff and clerking patients. For Melbourne there is also a semester of research though, so you can do that wherever you can get a supervisor I think; hospitals, research labs...

    1. Yes, unfortunately (depending on how you see it) colleges have been moving away from lengthy dissections classes to quicker and web oriented teachings when it comes to anatomy and physiology. Like watching dissections videos supplemented by prosected material etc. Which is just sad. Doing hands on stuff is something I would prefer. I WANNA DISSECT ZE CADAVER DAMNIT...

      On a similar note, did you have to do a semester long mini-research project in BioMed? We have to so a minimum of one and preferably more than one for the scholars. What did you do?

    2. Haha. If you like dissecting a lot, maybe you should try to be a surgeon.

      We didn't have a compulsory mini-research project at Melbourne for biomed, and I didn't do one for my major. If you majored in physiology though, you'd have to do a subject called "Frontiers in Physiology" which included something like that.


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