Friday, December 9, 2011

[update] Biomed graduation eligibility confirmed.

This evening, I received the email that I am confirmed to be eligible to graduate on 20 December. Well, it's as expected, but it's always good to have the confirmation. I felt it was possible but unlikely that they might have stuffed up my graduation, because the study plan it's not 100% accurate according to the new breadth subject rules (up until 2010 under the Melbourne Model, you needed 6 breadth subjects for biomed at Melbourne including at least one at third year level, but from this year you are allowed to do 4-6, and there is no need to do one at third year level), and if some admin person was silly they might have thought I didn't complete my degree correctly according to the rules.

Anyway, it's good to see that such a mistake on the admin side has not happened. I'm yet to receive confirmation of turning the MD conditional offer into a firm offer though.

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