Monday, September 17, 2012

[update] MD1 MST #3 marks released

Today we got our MST #3 marks back for MD1. This was surprising, because they often took longer to give our marks.

Overall I got 50 out of 60 (about 83%), which I'm reasonably fine with, although there were some areas of weakness (the class mean was 45.16 and median was 46)

Anatomy 8/10

That seems to be about average for my subsections. It's somewhat relieving given that I felt like I knew hardly anything well during the anatomy prac the day just before the test.

Neuroscience 11/15

Neuroscience seems like one of my weaker areas. I wonder what options would have been right.

Physiology 5/5

This time it seems like I got all the physiology ones right, unlike the other tests I did in the past. It seems like they gave everyone that one mark for the Growth Hormone question without any right option.

Pathology 4/6

Again, pathology is one of my weaker sections. Unfortunately, I haven't been reading my pathology book that much during the semester; just keeping up with the lecture notes. I read a bit on the weekend though. I'll try to read the book more often.

Biochemistry 7/7

So I still have my perfect record for biochemistry so far. There were some questions where I was a bit unsure but it seems like I chose the correct option.

Pharmacology 6/6

This was one where I was quite confident, because of my major. I did expect that we'd cover more about drugs affecting the nervous system given that I did a whole subject on it in biomed, but it seems like they probably left us to learn more during our clinical years.

Psychological Sciences 4/6

This seems to be another of my areas of weakness in comparison, although this sample size is not very big, so it's hard to tell.

Other 5/5

Now I'm a bit confused as to which questions were "other". I think there was one ethics question, but I don't recall the other four. Ah well... it seems like my "other" knowledge was good for this test.

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